Saturday, May 9, 2009

Library Thing

My first reaction to this product was its ease of use; GoodReads tends to be a little clunkier. However, I was only able to choose books I'm currently reading or want to read. I found this a bit limiting because there are many books I'd like to tell people about; most of the titles in my catalog I've already read. In ease of use it definitely tops GoodReads; I can't transfer all my GoodReads material over smoothly or efficiently so a decison needs to be made.

I did a search on tags I used to see if my understanding of a tag's use matched others interpretaton. For the most part it worked surprisingly well. Voila, I had another list of titles to check out on the topic. Not bad.

"Members with your books" is another interesting feature; this is a good place to find books you would never find on your own or think much of. I liken it to the patron who comes into the library and looks on the 'recently returned' or 'waiting to be shelved' carts because there are bound to be books, of all stripes, on the cart that someone else liked or read.

I will have to test this out some more and see all its bells and whistles.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ray:
    Are you reading your comments?? How did you get that You tube thing on the side? I read the online help for blogger and it said that you can "add a page element" but when I went to my layout there was no such option. I totally got confused and frustrated. When I clicked on "Add a gadget" it only lets me add the blogger ones like "followers" and "blog archive" etc.
    Can you tell me how to do it in three easy steps?
